Brooke Millecchia

Brooke Millecchia’s teaching and ceramic art complement one another in perfect harmony. As she works and as she teaches, Brooke synthesizes her approaches into real-world relatable forms and explanations. Her love of kind-hearted humor and understanding of finishing with comfortable tactile surfaces make her a refreshing artist and teacher. Brooke has a consistent 16-year professional exhibition and teaching career that reveals her strong work ethic. Her quest for invention is based on solid technical accomplishments that give rise to playful surfaces. She gives personally to her work and motivates viewers and students to think on a wide variety of levels. Brooke’s love of and meticulous attention to small details bring joyful fascination to those who are fortunate enough to live with her art. Throughout her process, Brooke relies on her intuition to guide alterations of her thrown forms. As a result, her work feels fresh, alive, and immediate. She is able to maintain a well-organized aesthetic while still expressing spontaneity.