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Contemporary, Functional Ceramic Art Collection
Clay as a material is both eloquent and beautiful in its natural state. Its expressive qualities speak of the passage of time and the power of natural forces. Dark atmospheric fired clays inspire a state of reflection and a deep appreciation for the present moment, in that they resemble natural environments and contain all the color and detail that can be found in a mountain landscape. Harmony in nature is achieved through the balance of opposing forces, just as a desert flower blooms out of a prickly pear. By placing porcelain near or on the dark iron-bearing clay bodies, I achieve a similar juxtaposition. The porcelain tea ware interjects a continuity between humanity and nature, in that the act of drinking tea and the making of vessels for its ceremony are purely a human action. Each on of my works is a floating landscape design for reflection and meditation, as well as, the enjoyment of tea.
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