Joseph or Joey Rincones

"Similar to our own personality, clay contains characteristics that can be visually and physically complex. It can be forced into desired shapes that can stimulate actions, as well as conversations. It possesses the ability to look soft but be extremely hard, or look hard yet feel extremely soft. Clay is a poetic material, it is very honest and inviting, yet fierce and difficult all at the same time. My work is an exploration on how this material evolves into my own expression and how it embodies my own lifestyle. I investigate the medium through a cultural lens, and develop vessels and elements that embody what it is to be Chicano. My culture takes great pride in objects that give us individuality, objects that reflect optimism, and objects that promote dignity. Taking part in the creation of these objects that are otherwise unobtainable on a monetary level, provides a sense of honor and pride while allowing for personal expression."

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