Heather Mae Erickson

I am interested in changing how ceramic design practices are seen in America and how American studio designers are viewed abroad. I have willingness to look beyond our borders and traditions for answers, ideas, and stimulation. By broadening the conversation artistically, socially, politically, and geographically, I will be a part of the movement to train the new generation of artists who are reacting to this post digital time. I am focused on forming a new curriculum with new ideas and models for the development of design, not only to attain my own artistic goals, but also to pass along these findings to my peers, mentors, and students in the United States and abroad. My future goals include developing a ceramic design collective where I will be the principle designer, continuing on my quest for a design-oriented ceramic aesthetic, and becoming a full-time professor at the university level so that I may continue to push the limitations in the fields of ceramics, design, art and craft.